Azərbaycan İdeyası

Azərbaycanlı iş adamı Anar Əliyev evinin qarşısında güllələndi

Tarix:22-02-2018, 17:03
Baxış Sayı:8 920

Azərbaycanlı iş adamı Anar Əliyev evinin qarşısında güllələndi

Rusiyanın paytaxtı Moskva şəhərində iş adamı Anar Əliyev güllələnib.
Qaynarinfo-nun verdiyi xəbərə görə, sui-qəsd anınının videosunu Mash teleqram-kanalı yayıb.
Anar Əliyev “Lexus” avtomobili ilə parkinqdən çıxarkən naməlum şəxs ona güllə atıb.
Avtomobil iş adamının evinin yanında olub. Yol ayrıcında naməlum şəxs avtomobilə tərəf qaçaraq sürücünün başına güllə atıb.
Hadisədən dərhal sonra bilinib ki, killer Azərbaycandan olan iş adamı Anar Əliyevi yalnız yaralayıb.

Georgepaize 2 iyul 2023 19:02
RemoVideo Repair is an application specifically designed to location issues with dejected or damaged video files, making it an costly contraption for individuals coating such problems. Whether the videos in query were downloaded from the internet or recorded using digital devices, RemoVideo Renewal has the capacity to touch up them without compromising their importance or losing any segments.

This utility offers a modernistic and automated technique, requiring only three severe steps to tenderfoot the repair procedure. Users can choice the video queue, click on the "Resurrect" button, preview the repaired video using the integrated media competitor, and preserve it before they are satisfied with the results. To make safe the safeness of the original corrupted videos, RemoVideo Revamp operates in a read-only look, employing an smart algorithm to reconstruct the files. Around utilizing existing examples or repaired videos in the anyhow appearance, the software creates templates that can be effectively employed in future condition processes.

On those who are interested in giving this tool a appraise, RemoVideo Nick can be downloaded delivered of charge. Plainly follow the relation provided at the in truth of the time to access the most recent version of the program, along with the unavoidable key or crack after registration. In a jiffy installed, users can start off the pertinence and commence testing its capabilities.

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